Green Rules

  • Home exercises should be submitted regularly.
  • Inattentiveness, indifference towards any subject, discourtesy towards any member of the staff or any such act which affects the discipline or peaceful atmosphere of the school will be viewed seriously.
  • Cleanliness in person and clothes is expected of every student. Students coming to school with untidy dress, hair etc. will be refused admission.
  • Students suffering from any contagious or infectious disease will not be allowed to attend the School.
  • Students should bring only vegetarian food to school. Non-vegetarian food is strictly forbidden on the school premises. Students should not bring fork, knife and glass bottles to school.
  • Habitual negligence in school work, dishonesty or other acts of misconduct on the part of students will attract severe disciplinary action including expulsion.
  • Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings.
  • Any damage done to School property or to that of other students will have to be made good by the erring student.
  • The School premises should be kept neat and tidy.
  • Students of one class are not allowed to enter other class rooms during intervals.
  • Every student must bring the School Diary to the class daily. It should not be used as a rough book. Pages therein should not be torn.
  • Costly and fancy ornaments/items should not be worn/brought.
  • Parents are requested not to give extra money to the students except for the bus fare (for those not using school bus).
  • Students are not permitted to bring mobile phones, CDs, cameras or pendrive to the school. They are also not permitted to come to school driving/riding vehicles except bicycles. Students upto Std. V are not permitted to come to school on bicycles.
  • Parents are not allowed to meet the teachers when they are in their class. Parents desirous of speaking to the teachers about the progress of their children may meet the teachers by previous appointment on Tuesday and Thursday between 3.00pm to 4.00pm.
  • Withdrawal of children from classes during the school hours is not permitted. Parents who want to take their children to hospital etc. are advised not to send them to school for a session or half day as the case may be but to send a leave note. Instead of sending separate leave application, the parent may enter the particulars of leave required in the pages provided in the School Diary.
  • Please note that the option for W.E/FINE ARTS shall be made according to the aptitude of the students and facility available. Request for subsequent changes during the academic year will not be entertained.
  • Please note that promotion of students to the higher standards is based on the total performance in various tests and examinations taken as a whole. It is therefore very essential that students appear in all the examinations.
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